Saturday, April 11, 2020

If our front-line PSWs are so important, why do they still get poverty wages?

We've been hearing all sorts of platitudes about our wonderful front-line health care professionals.

The three hundred thousand a year MDs.

The hundred thousand a year RNs.

And the PSWs who have to stitch three part-time gigs together to make thirty-five thousand a year.

What's wrong with this picture?

It's the PSWs who are charged with the most intimate level of care of our elderly. They're the ones who do the tube-feeding and change the adult diapers. They're the one's who bathe dear old granddad and wipe his drool and wipe his ass.

If there's a contagious disease to be caught, it's the PSWs who are gonna catch it first.

For fifteen bucks an hour.

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