Monday, April 13, 2020

Is this the time to choose dependence on China?

This headline at CBC is a head-scratcher; Canada building its own PPE supply chain in China.

It's a good news/bad news story. Canada is doing something. That's good! Building our own pipeline for personal protective equipment. Even better! The pandemic has proven that we can't rely on others for essential safety gear.

All good except for one thing; Canada's very own supply chain is in China!

Sorry, I don't get how it's "our" supply chain if it's in China. C'mon CBC, trot out some experts to explain this to the befuddled masses.

A more honest headline would be, "Canada negotiating with China for access to desperately needed personal protective equipment," but that doesn't sound nearly as bold as declaring that Canada is "building" something.

I'm no expert, but it seems obvious that a sovereign nation would want self-sufficiency in essential emergency supplies, and therefore the supply chain needs to be on our soil, not in China.

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