Friday, May 15, 2020

Cognitive sophistication

I don't believe I've ever run across the term "cognitive sophistication" until I found it in a story at CBC today.

The article is trying to make sense of the fact that there's still a few folks out there who remain skeptical of what the experts and the CBC have been telling them about the current plague. Among other things, these skeptics could very well be suffering from a deficit in cognitive sophistication. That's the tool in your mental toolbox that allows you to differentiate between fact and fiction, truth and falsehood.

For example, someone with a particularly acute cognitive sophistication deficit may try to inject disinfectant to fight the coronavirus. Frankly, I think we've long had a perfectly adequate word for folks like that...


The real problem has been that "expert opinion" around the current contagion has been all over the map. It's gonna kill millions, or maybe not. We need thousands of ventilators NOW!... oops, ventilators kill, ixnay on that. You don't need a mask, maybe you might want to consider a mask, WEAR A MASK or else. Stay home and save lives for a month, and then go out and... stop saving lives?

We've been force-fed corona-hysteria for months now. For the most part, I don't think it's the skeptics who are lacking in cognitive sophistication; it's the gullible herd who readily go along with every new twist in the official narrative.

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