Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What's so deep about the "Deep State?"

The other night I watched the Nekrasov docu-drama, "The Magnitsky Act - Behind the Scenes." It's not easy to find, but it's still out there.

For the most part, I found the "drama" to be on the cheesy side, but the most compelling viewing is when you watch Bill Browder testifying towards the end. That's not a dramatic reenactment; that's Bill Browder testifying under oath.

Bill Browder is one of those guys who seems to have the keys to the kingdom. If Bill wants an op-ed in the Globe and Mail or the New York Times, it's his for the writing. His shtick, namely being Putin's "Public Enemy #1," is popular fare here in the Nations of Virtue.

That guy testifying under oath doesn't seem too rattled. His denials, evasions, and obfuscations, as blatant as they are, he knows will never be challenged. Bill could, I suppose, tell you all about the "Deep State," but why should he have to? After all, everything is pretty much out in the open.

We choose not to see it.

The great Ai Weiwei is another wonder. How many other contemporary artists have you met on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations? None, I'll bet.

But Ai Weiwei is a reliable spewer of anti-China hyperbole, and that, not his keen insights into the human condition, is why he's a favorite of the not-so-deep state. Again, there's nothing deep about how we're manipulated. It's right there in the open.

With regard to our current crisis, ie a flu epidemic that forced us to destroy the world economy, it's not hard to connect the dots either...

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