Sunday, June 7, 2020

After Incels fail to launch, media discover Boogaloo Bois

That Incel business always seemed a little dodgy to me. Young males who couldn't get laid are gonna take their rage out on society at large, and women in particular. They were classified as a terror threat, which must really piss off the legit terror outfits.

I taught high-school for 25 years, and I know this isn't professional social science, but it was my observation that the only young males who weren't getting pussy weren't really that interested. The  dirtiest of dumb-ass dullards could find a gal who'd accommodate them, if they were even marginally motivated.

You'd have to be a) really stupid, and/or b) some sort of psycho. Take that wack job in Toronto who ran over a bunch of people in a rented van. He had the wherewithal to rent a van, but he couldn't use his credit card to call an escort service? Hello!

So in spite of having Chrystia Freeland mention them in a couple of speeches, the Incel scare seems to have pretty much petered out. The media needs something new with which to keep us scared.

Enter the Boogaloo Bois. All of a sudden they're everywhere; the Jerusalem Post, the CBC. From what I can make out, they're heavily-armed white supremacists who like Hawaiian shirts, support Black Lives Matter, and don't mind Jews.

Ponder that for a moment... does that sound like extreme right wing shit to you?!?

This is almost as lame as the Incels! Come on mainstream media; stop insulting our intelligence!

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