Friday, June 26, 2020

CBC plays footsie with a fascist

John Bolton isn't normally the kind of guy you'd expect to get a sympathetic interview at the CBC. That's because he's been an extreme right-wing nutter in US politics since the Reagan era. There's not been a single US conflict in that time that he has objected to.

In fact, he is generally among the most enthusiastic advocates for more wars. John Bolton is widely considered a war criminal. He has, however, voiced his displeasure over America's failure to bomb more foreign nations, especially Muslim ones, to ratshit.

He seemed an unlikely choice for National Security Advisor, but word is this was a decision made not by Trump, but by Sheldon Adelson, Trump's biggest financial supporter in the 2016 campaign. Coincidentally, Adelson also has Israel's Netanyahu in his pocket as well, and both Adelson and Bibi love Bolton's hatred of Iran.

In the eyes of CBC decision makers, though, Bolton's fifty year history of relentless warmongering can now be set aside, as he's just released a book critical of Trump! That buys a lot of redemption among the ersatz progressives at the CBC.

Host Matt Galloway lobbed the predictable softballs, and for the most part the interview hewed to the central matter that Bolton and the CBC can agree on; what an inept a-hole Trump is. While you'd think that question has been more or less settled for some time, it's never too late for another former insider with a seven-number book deal to pile on.

Bolton only got testy when Matt referred to Brazil's Bolsonaro as a dictator. Bolton was quick to set the record straight; Bolsonaro was democratically elected, dontcha know, and if the Brazilians don't like him, they'll democratically turf him next time round.

The reason Bolsonaro was democratically elected was because the US saw to it that the favorite to win, leftist Lula da Silva, was in jail at the time. Bolsonaro has been such a disaster he makes Trump look like a serious statesman. If the military doesn't remove him first, Lula will surely oust him in the next election.

When he fired Bolton, Trump remarked that if Bolton had his way, "we'd be on World War Six by now," probably one of Trump's more astute observations in his three and a half years in the White House.

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