Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Tiananmen Square Massacre - an AngloAmerican propaganda construct

Today was the 31st anniversary of the iconic Tiananmen Square Massacre, where the commies massacred thousands of democracy-seeking students. We all recall that picture of a brave lone dude with a shopping bag stopping a convoy of tanks in their tracks.

I spent the morning reading up on the alleged massacre. Even if you never get beyond the Wikipedia account, it's clear there was no massacre in Tiananmen Square in the early hours of 4th June, 1989.

When you get a little further into the story, you discover stuff like "Operation Yellow Bird," wherein the CIA spent years and millions of dollars getting their assets out of China after the "massacre." You'll also find references to the hundreds of burned out PLA vehicles that littered Beijing thoroughfares in the aftermath of the "massacre," having been set alight by the peaceful protesters, presumably with their teenage Chinese conscripts still inside.

So there was no massacre in Tiananmen Square, but it's useful for our political masters to carry on as if there were. It reinforces the establishment narrative that we're the Good Guys, and the government of China is the embodiment of evil.

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