Friday, June 18, 2021

Gbagbo slips shackles, sheds white man's burden

If you read up on the International Criminal Court, you will find that it has since 2002 been in the business of prosecuting the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

One of the problems critics of the ICC have consistently pointed out is that this "international" court can only ever find genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Africa. See for instance my very cleverly titled Bwana still wields the whip in Africa.

As I pointed out in 2013, and also in the previous ICC batting .500 in Negro League, this Afrocentric approach to international criminality is a distinct hangover from the colonial era. What good is our ongoing (and forget all that claptrap about post-colonialism - it has never ended) civilizing mission to the Dark Continent without some enforcement mechanism? As we all know, the Nations of (white) Virtue have well-functioning judicial systems and are well-equipped to root out their own war criminals, and the fact they never find any after exhaustively investigating themselves just underscores the efficacy of this system.

The Africans are another story. African elites have a dismal record of investigating themselves, which is why they get so much international assistance in these matters. It was French commandos from the colonial mother ship who whisked Laurent Gbagbo off to The Hague over ten years ago.

After a ten year plus roller-coaster of trial-conviction-appeal-acquittal, Gbagbo is once again a free man and back home in Ivory Coast, preparing a political comeback.

I wish him every success. It is my hope that he and other African leaders will join forces and establish an African Criminal Court, the remit of which would be to abduct non-Africans from Europe and America and bring them to trial for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. 

There are ample suspects to choose from.

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