Monday, June 21, 2021

Toronto Black community marks Juneteenth with gunfight at children's birthday party

Self-proclaimed "core member" and maybe "co-founder" of BLM Canada and BLM Toronto, Marcus Ware, was in Ottawa to celebrate Juneteenth on Saturday. He used the opportunity to announce that queer and trans Black activists were now taking a leading role in liberating the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island from the oppressor.

Meanwhile, some homies back in the 'hood marked Juneteenth with a little gunplay at a toddler's birthday party. Maybe the community of queer and trans Black activists should focus on their own nests before they worry about saving Indigenous people.

Being neither Black nor Indigenous, I suppose it is inappropriate in this age of political correctitude for an old white guy to hold an opinion on these matters, but wtf, might as well indulge a little of that precious freedom of speech while I yet can.

Anybody who imagines that Black Lives Matter, funded almost exclusively by the tax-exempt foundations of white billionaires, will contribute anything of value to the struggle against systemic racism, is delusional. The billionaires are going to underwrite the dismantling of the system that made them billionaires?

I think not!

But they're more than happy to finance any organization that can undermine the potential for solidarity among their victims, and obviously they see Black Lives Matter as a useful tool.

At the end of the day, regardless his many accomplishments as artist, educator, and activist, Marcus Ware is a tool of the billionaires.

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