Friday, December 24, 2021

The beer shortage

I knew that would get your attention.

I've been a beer-drinker since my mid-teens. I used to like the heavier stuff, especially the saftig European brands. 

After a few decades of enjoying full-bodied beer, I realize one day that it had been at least ten years since I had last seen my dick whilst in the shower. 

I was fat!

That's when I realized drastic measures were required.

Time to cut back on those random trips through Mickey Dee's drive-through. Now that I do two Big Macs a year instead of two a week, I appreciate a Big Mac much more.

There's way more home-cooking with fresh local ingredients in my diet these days.

I also had to get serious about exercise. I'm not a go-to-the-gym kinda guy. Way too much spandex. So my walk-in-the-woods became my religion. I've been worshipping for about 30 kilometres a week for quite a few years, and almost always with one or more canine companions.

And then there was the beer. I had to ditch the heavy beer.

I settled on what is perhaps one of the blandest brews on the market; Busch Light. But only in the tall cans. It doesn't feel the same in bottles or the wee cans. Sure, that's a come-down for the taste-buds, but at long last, I can see my genitals again.

So here's where my healthy lifestyle gets run over by the current supply-chain crisis; there's been a shortage of Busch Light tallboys!

I've been using the shortage as an excuse. Instead of coming home with the usual, I've been coming home with a six-pack of Lowenbrau, which, at two bucks a pop, is probably the best deal on the market right now, and has allegedly been brewed from the same recipe for over 700 years!

Fat City beckons...

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