Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Canada still recognizes Juan Guaido as President of Venezuela

Remember him? Uncle Sam didn't have any use for Maduro, on account of his independent attitude, so the Americans decided they'd recognize Random Guy-doh as president instead. A few of the usuall suck-ups bought in, with Canada taking the lead role. Hence Chrystia Freeland's glorious tenure as leader of the "Lima Group." That concept never really caught fire, although for a brief period of time, the same "free world" that now joins American sanctions on Russia, were willing to give it a chance. Alas, the 27 nations of the EU soon enough realized which way the wind was blowing, and have long since given up pretending Guaido is anything other than a US puppet. Eventually they'll come to the same conclusion about the hero-du-jour, the Ukrainian comedian Zelensky. Unfortunately, given the American determination to drag this war out as long as possible, many more Ukrainians will die for nothing before the craven US acolytes in the "free world" get a firm sense of the current wind direction.

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