Saturday, July 23, 2022

Tossing your life into a big green dumpster

I'm stunned by how much crap a person can accumulate over the course of a lifetime. The Farm Manager once joked there was 20 dump runs in that garage. She may have been on the low side. I've got some theories about why folks become hoarders. We tend to have been deeply propagandized into the "waste not want not" way of thinking.So if you grew up at the hands of folks who survived The Depression, The War, camps etc, that was a damned good maxim to live by if you were to survive. But that was then; this is now. Now, nobody thinks like that. We've become a Walmart-to-landful economy, and I'm doing my share with this dumpster. I'm tossing out tons of stuff that I might need someday. Or somebody might. Someday. But I'm not tossing everything. Once the nostalia gland is triggered, I want to keep every toy my kids ever got with a Happy Meal. I'm getting better though. I threw out all the kids' Happy Meal toys except for a couple of special ones. Speaking of memory lane, how's this grab you; I found a stash of letters addressed to me in Edmonton. Edmonton! That was in the 70's! I barely remember living there, let alone who might have been writing me. I suppose I could read them and find out, but nah... in the bin they go! Well, some of them anyway. I held a few back just in case I change my mind.

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