Monday, August 8, 2022

Trump arrest will trigger civil war

Grab your popcorn and gather 'round the big screen, kids! American Democracy Theatre is about to shift into high gear! Actual democracy in the USA is long dead. To my way of thinking, Citizen's United decision in 2010 was the last nail in the coffin for what had been a lengthy and painful demise. Now that democracy is good and dead, the Democracy Show is even more important. As you know, at least if you follow legacy media, there is no greater threat to America's imaginary democracy than Donald Trump. At this moment in time, America is at a critical juncture. Clearly, the "bait Putin into invading Ukraine" gambit hasn't panned out. America's prestige and clout in the Global South has become non-existent. More and more countries are doing trade outside the US dollar. America is screwed. What better way of taking the world's eyes off the US-engineered Ukraine fiasco than sparking a civil war at home.

1 comment:

  1. So refreshing to see another person who understands how patently fake and scripted all this melodrama is! Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one. How people don't see right through all the "white hat" psyop BS is totally beyond me. THEY pulled this narrative straight out of Vaudeville and Silent era scripts.They have used versions of these cheesy narratives to trick the public ever since but the stuff going on now is just so laughable it's literally like being forced to live in the worst B movie ever made. Pass the popcorn indeed!
