Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Jews and Ukraine

I find it hard to believe, given Ukraine's WW2 historical record, that there can be such a thing as a Jewish Ukrainian nationalist. Yet, that is precisely what we are expected to believe. How could there be Nazi's in Ukraine when they elected a Jewish president? Sure. What I find far more plausible is that there might be Jews with historical memories who seek the destruction of Ukraine. Manipulating Ukraine into a catastophic war might be a means to that end. That's exactly what Ihor Kolomoisky has pulled off. He was one of the leading oligarchs plundering Ukraine since independence, and has been Zelensky's sponsor from way back when the Z-man was just another B-list porn star wanna be. Kolomoisky was a media mogul who saw Zelensky's star potential. It's curious that you seldom read anything about him in our mass media. He lives safely in Israel because they never extradite a citizen anywhere for any reason. When you look at what's happening to Ukraine today, you'd almost think someone's revenge dream of destroying the country has come true.

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