Friday, May 5, 2023

Canada crawls ever deeper up Uncle Sam's arse

Chinese-Canadian MP Michael Chong has made China bashing a key plank in his political identity, a strategy that is paying big dividends in the current climate of anti-China war-mongering. According to leaks from top secret documents only the Globe and Mail has seen, Chong and his family have been targeted with threats by the government of China. The nature of that targeting and those threats, however, remain secret. National security and our very democracy are at stake, so don’t expect a beef patty in this nothing-burger any time soon. But do gird your loins for the coming war with China. Today the Globe found space in the business section for a propaganda piece by a chap who works at a UK think tank financed by the arms industry. War’s a’comin’ we are told. We need to get serious about our military spending and prepare for a drastic reduction in our standard of living… for the sake of freedom and democracy, of course. Yup, once we’re irrevocably sucked into America’s war on China, we’ll have to invent new supply chains, because without China, Walmart, Crappy Tire, and pretty much anywhere else you shop are gonna be boarded up. But that’s a good thing, because values. We share our values with our allies, who must all share America’s values because without America we won’t be able to buy the fighter jets and missiles we need to defend ourselves from China’s attack on our values… This idiotic hate campaign against China is brought to you by the same US exceptionalists who were most recently standing with Ukraine for as long as it takes. Before that, they brought freedom and human rights and prosperity and democracy to, in no particular order, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, among others. With a track record like that, why do Globe and Mail “thought leaders” insist we crawl ever deeper up Uncle Sam’s arse?

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