Sunday, October 1, 2023

If this gorgeous Indian Summer is due to the climate crisis, let's restart a few more coal-fired generating plants

Coal-fired generating plants are a no-no in the civilized world. Coal is the dirtiest of fossil fuels, in case you don't know. Nations of Virtue who understand science have been swearing off coal for a generation. Mind you, there's been some back-sliding of late. In Germany, where the mysterious sabotage of the NordStream pipeline massively sped up the process of getting off fossil fuels, they're dismantling a wind farm to expand an open-pit coal mine. In Kansas, they're restarting a coal-fired generating plant to power a new factory that'll build batteries for electric cars. Seems to me "net zero" is disappearing into the mists of time... And here's another head-scratcher. What's wrong with all those scientists and engineers in India and China? How do they not recognize the dire threat of the climate crisis. Don't they listen to UN boss Guterres? Haven't they heard we've opened the gates of hell and the oceans are boiling? While we in the Nations of Virtue are signing a wait list to take delivery of an EV in a year or two, India and China are non-chalantly building new coal-fired generating plants willy-nilly! So what's the point? But back to this glorious Indian Summer. I have no idea if it's related to global warming, climate change, the climate crisis/catastrophe/cataclysm etc, but I do know it's one of the most pleasant autumns in memory. As for the bogeyman of the day, if we were serious about our contribution to this alleged crisis, we'd get serious about cutting back consumption. We'd focus on building appliances that last fifty years and cars that'll take you half a million miles, and we'd expect a winter coat to last at least ten winters. We'd plant vegetables where the lawn used to be, and what remained of lawn we'd mow with a non-powered push mower. Any trip under a mile we'd walk. Up to 10 miles we'd bike. Beyond that we'd take public transit if at all possible. And it goes without saying we'd have to give up power boats for sailboats and paddle-boards. It's obvious we can't pursue perpetual economic growth on a finite planet. Stop pretending we can continue our reckless over-consumption of resources just by transitioning to "clean energy." We need to put climate ahead of GDP.

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