Monday, October 29, 2012

NATO's Turkey a powderkeg of contradictions

On the one hand, they're busy as can be doing NATO's bidding with their unquestioning support of the Syrian uprising. As serious people who follow these matters well know, the "support" is much more than that.

Without the connivance of the Erdogan regime the Syrian uprising would have been over 18 months ago. Thirty thousand dead Syrians would still be living their lives.

And as the serious people who follow these matters also know, this idea does not originate in Turkey.

Turkey gets its swagger from having the backing of the NATO gang.

Today thousands of protesters demonstrated in the streets of Turkey against Erdogan and against NATO.

They fancy themselves the heirs of Ataturk, the father of modern secular Turkey.

In some oblique sense they very well may be, but the true heirs of Ataturk are those 300 officers who Erdogan recently locked up.

Elsewhere Erdogan will continue to get away with killing his own (Kurdish) people until his NATO friends no longer find him useful.

The reason those 300 heirs of Ataturk are locked up is because they would never connive with the NATO gang to make war on their neighbor.

The longer that war drags on, the more Erdogan becomes expendable.

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