Thursday, October 4, 2012

Post-Gaddafi Libya run by "stooges of the West"

How gratifying to hear the hardened Islamist fighters of eastern Libya say exactly what this blog has maintained all along; that the bumboys that NATO put in place after ousting Gaddafi are there to loot the oil wealth and do the bidding of the West.

Reuters had a stringer in the city of Derna for a few days recently, and his report is far removed from the inane happy talk we are accustomed to hearing from the State Department and their cheerleaders in the media. Any attempt to rebuild Libya along the lines of a Western-style democracy is doomed to fail.

Aside from show projects like the supposed elections this spring, it is highly debatable to what extent those efforts are at all genuine. What the Nations of Virtue seem to have settled for is a kleptocracy with a bit of pro-Western democratic window dressing.

Big Oil has the run of the oil fields. A small clique of Libyans, mostly expats based in London, control the oil wealth while the country goes cap in hand to the World Bank for reconstruction financing.

The Islamic fighters have other ideas. The oil wealth belongs to all Libyans, not to those few favored by the West. Democracy must be subservient to Sharia rule. The countries who destroyed Libya's infrastructure in their nine month bombing campaign should pay for the reconstruction.

And above all, Libyans must be masters in their own house.

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