Friday, October 20, 2017

Billionaires have too much money

Money is power, they say.

Well, money isn't power when somebody with a gun takes the money away from you.

This may explain why the USA leads the world in both the number of billionaires and the number of guns.

America's guns do not threaten those billionaires, though.

America's guns, at every level, defend those billionaires.

I'm not sure why it's considered desirable to have such a thing as billionaires in society, but for whatever reason, that's where we're at. Look at the Trump cabinet.

If you're an American working at the minimum wage, you can work from age fourteen until you die and all your piddly paychecks added together won't amount to a million dollars.

A billion means a thousand times a million. Your top hedge fund guys are embarrassed if they don't up their net worth by at least a billion a year.

Being a billionaire means never having to say you're sorry. And why would you? You're obviously worth at least a thousand times more than whatever your most well-heeled critics are worth.

Being a billionaire means you can do whatever the fuck you want with no consequences. Read up on Jeff Epstein if you don't believe me.


But the times may be a-changing.

Sir Richard Branson's name is seeping into the scandal unleashed by the Weinstein affair.


Rich men take advantage of vulnerable women?

Who knew?

Wasn't that Obama cavorting on Branson's yacht after his exit from the White House?

He obviously had no idea either...

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