Friday, September 28, 2018

Grandstanding aside, Canada remains Uncle Sam's faithful lapdog

Here's a couple of news stories you may have missed this week, because after all, the most important news event in the world is whether the US elevates the privileged shit-bag Kavanaugh to the supreme court or whether some other privileged shit-bag gets the nod.

This week we signed on to Trump's plan to double down on the "war on drugs." Yup, it's been a losing effort for fifty years but count us in! Scootch over, Mr. Duterte, and let Justin slide into the pew beside you!

We're also taking a leadership role in toadying to American policy viz. Venezuela. Yup, we're gonna send Maduro to the ICC! That is quite hilariously portrayed as a snub to 45, who just the day before had made some derogatory remarks about the ICC.

Get serious! Getting rid of Chavez/Maduro and restoring the oligarchs to power has been a goal of Washington since 1999. The New York Times reported recently that there have been "informal" meetings between Venezuelan military commanders and Pentagon officials re: the possibility of a coup.

Justin and Chrystia aren't standing up to Trump; they're running interference for him.

Hard to imagine this obsequious toadying won't be rewarded with a spectacular NAFTA "win" in the very near future.

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