Sunday, November 11, 2018

MBS gets mojo back

If Crown Prince MBS was chastened by the global stink over the Kashoggi affair, there's scant evidence of it in our major media. Just this morning, on page A10 of Canada's most liberal newspaper, there's a glowing puff-piece on the reformist Prince, "A Kingdom learns to laugh."

What? Barely five weeks since the gruesome demise of Jamal, and we're yukking it up with the Great Reformer, without so much as a nod to the Kashoggi affair? My first instinct was that such an oversight can only be the result of the Crown Prince's "Buckets 'o Baksheesh" tour back in the spring. After all, that visit included a sit-down with the editorial board of the LA Times, where The Star found this story.

Alas, there's a less nefarious explanation. Seems the interns charged with putting together the Sunday paper just changed the headline and did a little editing of this LA Times story from September, when Jamal yet walked among us.

Which speaks volumes about the level of geopolitical acuity at One Yonge Street.

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