Sunday, November 25, 2018

Putin's plans for world domination suffer setback

The free world breathed a sigh of relief this week when Russian Alexander Prokopchuk was narrowly defeated in a vote to elect a new Interpol president.  After a last minute deluge of behind the scenes arm-twisting, a candidate from the US satrapy of South Korea was elected instead.

The campaign against Prokopchuk was lead by erstwhile freedom fighters Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Bill Browder, two men who enriched themselves immensely back in the Yeltsin era by swindling the Russian people out of billions in state assets, and who have long-standing and impeccable ties to America's deep state.

So, the forces of freedom and democracy have prevailed again! Take that, Bad Vlad!

Elsewhere in the battle between Good and Evil, I see where a couple of radicals from the communist fringe of the Democratic Party are again floating the Stalinist idea of a "basic income" for poor people. That's where you give poor people free money for no good reason other than they're poor. As any patriotic American knows, such an idea turns on its head the very value system that made America great.

Critics of Harris and Booker's loony leftist plan correctly point out that such a socialist scheme would not only rob the national treasury, it would rob the recipients themselves of any incentive to take one of the millions of jobs readily available at the US official minimum wage of $7.25/hr.

That's just un-American!

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