Sunday, September 20, 2020

On guard against the Yellow Peril

 Since becoming the Globe and Mail's chief China hand five years ago, Nathan VanderKlippe has evolved into one of the most prolific China bashers in Western media. Just this week he scored a front page in Friday's paper, with two full pages continued inside, followed by two more full pages in Saturday's edition.

VanderKlippe's analyses follow a familiar script; China as the rogue authoritarian outlier vs. the "liberal democracies," known in some circles as "Uncle Sam's Club." This formulation is somewhat awkward so long as Donny J. remains putative leader of the "free world," but like responsible journalists throughout the liberal democracies, he clings to the hope that things will get back to "normal" after November 3rd.

After five years of relentlessly smearing China, VanderKlippe makes the unastounding observation that Canadian public opinion has "...badly soured on China." 

Well whadya know! 

Newspapers still have the ability to shape public opinion!

Behind all the sturm & drang, however, there is also a sliver of good news. This quote is from the concluding paragraph of Friday's opus:

None of that, however, precludes the regular function of trade between Canada and China, which is up this year despite the pandemic and the continuing tensions.

Got it? 

In spite of the litany of human rights abuses we accuse the Yellow Devils of on a daily basis, behind the headlines it's business as usual!

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