Tuesday, November 9, 2021

All vaccines perfectly safe, but some safer than others

As the entire world knows, Canada under PM Fluffy sports one of the most progressive foreign policies in the world. It is so progressive that it is known far and wide as "Canada's Feminist Foreign Policy."

Just to prove it, Ottawa announced multiple times in recent weeks that we're donating 10 million doses of the Moderna vaccine to poor countries, because women and girls...

Why Moderna?

Well, although all vaccines are perfectly safe, when they're not, they're more likely to be Moderna. In fact, they're so much more likely to be Moderna that at least 16 EU countries as well as Japan have discontinued the use of the Moderna vaccine!

So, what to do with our 10 million perfectly-safe-but-not-as-safe-as-the-other shots we have in storage?

Why, we'll donate them to poor countries, garner some headlines, and bask in the refracted glow of our virtue!

That's how we roll here in the land of the Feminist Foreign Policy.

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