Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I just got an electric bill for $267.09

The crazy thing is, that's not our main heat source. Sparlings dropped a load in the propane tank the other day and left a bill for fourteen hundred bucks.

What's even crazier, from a carbon footprint perspective, is we're heating 1900 square feet of drafty farmhouse, built the same year, to keep two adults and a dog warm

We're generally all found within a ten foot radius of one another. How does that take 1900 feet?

So there's gotta be a down-sizing in the overall scheme of things.

What that will look like, time will tell.

But it ain't gonna look like a townhouse in the city.

I admit it can be tempting. You move into something new, where everything works and nothing needs repair... at least not yet.

And I should probably forget about the shop anyway. I never did anything with the shop when I had one, so how does it make sense that I'd do stuff now if had one again?

Like everybody, I'm getting older. No matter my dreams, wishes, aspirations, blah blah, when you get older you'll be doing less, not more.

Besides, at this point I'd be happy turning out a few birdhouses from the garage in my townhouse.

Ya, there's a lot to said for an easier life...

Then again, where's the townhouse where you can take a piss off the porch whenever you have to go? 

The closer that gets to being every half hour, the more you want to stay in the country.

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