Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Ukraine was set up to lose this war

From the beginning, which for the purposes of this brief rant we’ll consider what is variously known as “the Revolution of Dignity,” “The American coup”, or the “Triumph of the Banderites,” it was obvious to all with eyes to see that Uncle Sam was the producer and director of the show. Vicky Nuland and John McCain handing out sweets in Maidan Square was the tip-off. What a bold bipartisan show of support! Our own John Baird was doing the same thing the next day! Little John jumped on every opportunity to ingratiate himself with the Big Dogs. There must have been some good stuff in those cookies, because in no time at all the Ukrainian People were rising up en mass in a democratic fervor to overthrow their democratically-elected President! Vicky later let it slip that nurturing that democratic fervor had cost the US some $5B. These are people who whine about foreign interference in our elections. I can’t even imagine Wang Li handing out cookies at the Ottawa Trucker’s Insurrection. But back to Ukraine. America installed a new government, as revealed in the Nuland-Pyatt tapes. Every fledgling democracy that just overthrew their democratically elected government, needs a little help from the Mecca of Democracy in DC. The “West,” ie Uncle Sam and his NATO/EU camp followers, spent the next eight years goading their Ukrainian patsies into open conflict with Russia. EU membership was within reach! NATO membership was just around the corner! Finally, on 24 February, 2022, Putin took the bait. No more encroachment by NATO. He’d been saying that for twenty years. Western leaders were euphoric! Here we are, finally ready to push Putin into the dustbin of history… Fast forward two years. Putin’s economy, like his military, is thriving. Russia produces more artillery shells than all NATO combined. Ukraine has been begging for air support since the first week of the war. “Close the skies!” they pleaded. We’re working on it. We’ve corralled a few F-16s and they’ll be along as soon as we’ve trained up the pilots and put air in the tires. Should be there late this year or by mid 2025 at the latest… Some of the most despicable politicians in America are openly bragging what a great deal this war has been. They’ve hurt Russia without a single American casualty! Meanwhile, Zelensky is looking to add 500,000 new soldiers to replace the 500,00 he’s lost. And all along the way, our politicians kept whispering sweet nothings into Zelensky’s ear… “whatever it takes, for as long as it takes.”

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