Friday, November 29, 2024
Local lad makes good
I got the news today that Morgan Robins has been promoted to Superintendent at the Vancouver Golf Club. That’s the kind of place where it costs $100k to join, and then a thousand a month ever after. Plus, you’ll still pay for every round.
Needless to say, that’s not where I’d be golfing. It’s not something I’ve done in about 40 years, but when I used to do it, it was mostly at the “executive” course at the Victoria Road Golf Course.
Executive means short. The DeCorsos were an Italian family that had purchased a plot of land on the outskirts of Guelph way back when. They had a longer course on the other side of Victoria Road, which I think remains a going concern.
The short course has long since become townhouses. But I digress.
Morgan’s mom and I used to work at the same school. Being parents, we’d often swap news about our kids. I was somewhat taken aback to learn that her young lad was enrolling in something called “turf management” at the University of Guelph.
I have an undergrad degree from UG and spent some time around the place, and I gotta say you didn’t hear a lot about the Turf Sciences Institute, or whatever it was called.
Turf Sciences?
I grew up with a lawn around the house, and never did it occur to me that studying that lawn might be construed a science. Not only that, but studying that lawn could land you a university degree!
But it didn’t end there. Fast forward a couple years, and young Morgan is off to U Penn for, get this, a masters degree in turf management! I mean, that’s a serious university!
All along, at the back of my mind, I’m thinking Morgan is one of those poor kids whose parents are pushing him into university when he’d rather just… play golf or go skiing?
So the kid ends up in a career where he pulls down six numbers for rubbing elbows all day long with the kind of people who can afford membership at an elite golf course! Not only that, but in the off season the downhill junkie is a hop and a skip from multiple world-class ski hills!
Well played, Morgan!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
US demands more young Ukrainians die to save the US Empire
Reuters trotted out a story the other day citing an unnamed US official calling for Ukraine to lower the draft age.
Let’s face it; that US official is right. What’s going on with a draft age of 25? By then the testosterone is diminishing and common sense is beginning to set in. That why you see all those videos of potential recruits resisting the recruiters. Here’s another fact to face; if the only reason you’re in the army is because the recruiters snatched you off the street and beat the crap out of you, your motivation is probably not up to snuff.
That’s why it’s so important to get ‘em while they’re young and dumb. Drop the draft age to 18 already! Sixteen would be even better, but we’re probably veering awfully close to child soldier territory here, so maybe not.
The Ukrainian side had what I thought was a witty rejoinder; “ we can’t even outfit the recruits we’ve got, because our partners never come through with what they promise us.”
So what’s the point of dropping the draft age if you, the people who promised whatever it takes for as long as it takes, don’t live up to your promises?
You gotta admit they have a point too. At the end of the day, there’s gonna be a lot of Ukrainians who are at least as pissed off at NATO as they are at Putin.
I see blowback ahead.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Trump farts, world swoons
Monday evening, after a day of eating junk food and washing it down with Diet Coke, Trump was lounging about down in Mar-a-Lago when he came up with a thought.
I’ll scare the panties off that Sheinbaum commie… tell her I’m gonna nail Mexico till they stop with the refugee convoys bringing in all the fentanyl. Come to think of it, I should tariff Canada too. Not that they have much to do with fentanyl or migrants - I just can’t stand that slippery little turd Trudeau.
Trump tilts back his gold-plated La-Z-Boy and fires off a text on his Truth Social.
Trudeau was apparently on the phone within minutes. Who would have thought he follows Truth Social?
Claudia Sheinbaum fired off a snippy letter threatening repercussions.
Trump’s tariff threats have been the top story in Canada all day. In Mexico too. Global news sites that rarely mention Canada talked about us today.
I say, calm down folks!
The man is still two months from office… that’s plenty of time for him to have multiple brain farts that will make you forget all about this one. Let’s wait and see what happens.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Hardeep Singh Nijjar is dead, but PM Fluffy keeps tripping over his corpse
A brief timeline of the Nijjar saga. The long-time pro-Khalistan activist is shot dead on June 18, 2023 in Surrey, British Columbia.
Three days later Indian PM Modi arrives in Washington for a highly anticipated state visit. The Biden admin pulls out all the stops and lays on the full red carpet treatment. The stakes are high. India continues to defy US sanctions on Russia, buying huge quantities of Russian oil and refusing to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Here’s a chance to convince Modi of the error of his ways. A lavish state dinner, and two additional private dinners with The Big Guy over three days.
Three months later, India continues business as usual with Russia, and suddenly Trudeau drops his diplomatic stink-bomb; Canada accuses India in Nijjar murder. Yup, when you have “credible allegations,” as Trudeau put it, it’s obviously a slam dunk, especially when they come from the US!
Fast forward to July 2024. Not only has Modi refused to mend his ways, now he’s on a state visit to Moscow! He and Bad Vlad embrace in a warm bro-hug that triggers a collective shit-hemorrhage in the corridors of power in DC.
Cue the barking chihuahua from the Great White North for round two. Now it’s more than just an isolated murder and “credible allegations;” this time the RCMP has got the goods! Modi’s agents are behind a crime wave clear across the land!
Buckets of outrage are splashed across the infosphere! Six Indian diplomats are promptly sent packing.
You know how this ends. After November 5th, punishing Modi is no longer a priority in Washington. Zelensky can fend for himself because we’ve got war with Iran on the horizon, and as much as we’d like to stand with Ukraine, Israel is calling!
So where does this leave Trudeau? Check out this story from India; Trudeau blames criminals in his own government for leaking fake report.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Canada admits no evidence against India in murder of Sikh activist
Remember back in September ‘23 when PM Fluffy wowed the diplomatic world with his claim that India was behind the murder of a Sikh activist in Canada?
“Wowed,” because that’s generally not the kind of language used in diplomatic circles, even if the claim is true.
That smear on Modi has ping-ponged its way through multiple other news stories, including the official inquiry into foreign interference in our democracy. Imagine my shock when I ran across this headline today; Canada denies linking Modi to criminal plot."
Huh? How is that possible? I’ve read many times in the Globe & Mail and the CBC that Modi is the mastermind behind this political violence in Canada. Every political leader across the spectrum has denounced the Modi government for interfering in our democracy, blah blah blah….
Aha! I’ve got it! I’m reading the story on a Russian propaganda site. They’re obviously making stuff up just to make our free press look bad.
The Government of Canada has not stated, nor is it aware of evidence, linking Prime Minister Modi, Minister Jaishankar, or NSA Doval to serious criminal activity within Canada,” according to a statement issued on Friday by Nathalie Drouin, the national security and intelligence adviser to the prime minister.
I couldn’t believe it, so I googled Nathalie Drouin, who I’d never heard of. Turns out she’s legit;
Statement from the Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council and National Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister, Nathalie G. Drouin
The Government of Canada has not stated, nor is it aware of evidence, linking Prime Minister Modi, Minister Jaishankar, or NSA Doval to the serious criminal activity within Canada. Any suggestion to the contrary is both speculative and inaccurate.”
What? The Globe and Mail has been pushing speculative and inaccurate bullshit my way for over a year? And I find out about it by reading a Russian news site?
And they wonder why the public doesn’t trust mainstream media?
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Have the goyim been bamboozled?
Back in July I speculated that between them, Netanyahu and Zelensky would bring down the American Empire. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Most of the world would erupt in celebration. But here’s a thought; much of America would too!
Tip for president elect; you can lose the empire and still Make America Great Again! In fact, I would suggest that losing the empire is the first and essential step in doing exactly that.
As I expected, both Zelly and Bibi keep escalating their wars, in the hope that they can draw the Americans into active fighting. After all, that’s the only way either of their wars have a chance. And indeed, America seems to be inching in that direction.
This has caused a lot of debate amongst your conspiratorial types about whether or to what extent “the Jews” are in charge of US foreign policy. The old “wag the dog” theory.
I don’t put a lot of stock in that. Sure, Jews are way over-represented at the State Department, but they’re over-represented at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra too, so let’s not get too excited. Here’s another take.
The Americans know they cannot militarily defeat either Russia or Iran, let alone both at once. But what they can do, is continue to hide behind their proxies while goading them on. They do that by providing just enough help to keep the Ukraine war alive, and in the case of Israel, by vetoing one UN resolution after another that would restrain Israel’s suicidal war against the Arab world.
At the end of the day, Ukraine will be left on its own to make peace with Russia. And Israel will be left on its own to make peace with its Arab neighbors.
And America, free of its obligations to empire, will free up hundreds of billions of dollars annually to make America greatagain for the people who live there.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Trump takes the Democracy Circus to the next level
You have to admit Trump’s cabinet picks have created a whole new side-show in the Democracy Circus!
Doctor Oz?
Get outta here!
Looks to me like I might have been on to something when I pegged the election as a referendum on wokery.
Well before the election, a slew of big-name corporations were back-tracking on their DEI commitments.
Progressive icon OAC quietly retreated from her pronoun policy.
MSNBC Trump-haters, Joe and his sidekick, the daughter of the grand neocon chessmaster, got an audience with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, and came away convinced Hitler isn’t such a bad guy after all.
We live in interesting times… let’s pray to God we survive them!
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Globe & Mail once again bullshitting us about Ukraine disaster
One of the top knobs at the Globe brain trust offers a masterpiece of revisionist history in his Saturday op-ed; Toxic myths about Ukraine are poisoning its future.
Here are the toxic myths, or “three malicious fictions about 2014,” as Doug Saunders puts it.
There was a coup in 2014
The coup involved NATO
The United States and its officials interfered
You need to read the whole thing yourself to fully appreciate Doug’s nuanced grasp of geopolitics, but here’s his concluding paragraph, just to give you a taste;
Talk of Ukraine joining NATO, and of significant Western support, didn’t really begin until after Mr. Putin’s second invasion in 2022. A decade ago, the Americans and NATO both wanted to stay away from Ukraine. Far from the “Western expansion” fictions, the fate of Ukraine was left to Ukrainians.
Oddly enough, NATO itself contradicts Doug’s nonsense. Check out Relations with Ukraine on their website. Here’s a quote;
In response to Ukraine’s aspirations for NATO membership, Allies agreed at the 2008 Bucharest Summit that Ukraine will become a member of NATO.
According to Doug, 2008 was the year NATO made it “clear they did not want Kyiv in the alliance!”
I don’t want to rush to judgement, but it looks like the Globe is publishing bullshit again. Here’s the text of my letter to the editor.
To: Letters
The historical record reveals Mr. Saunders' "three malicious fictions" are themselves toxic myths. Saunders claims that the infamous Nuland-Pyatt recordings, widely interpreted as America choosing the next government, was made after Yanukovych "stepped down," and was merely "expressing her wish that more democratic candidates would prevail -as one would hope any diplomat would."
In fact, the tape was released on February 4th, Yanukovych "stepped down" on February 21st, and the candidate favored by Nuland and Pyatt was president by the end of the month. Nuland also claimed in 2014 that the US had invested over $5 billion in "promoting democracy" in Ukraine since 1991.
The claim that "talk of joining NATO didn't really begin until 2022" is equally spurious. The Globe and Mail archives reveal an abundance of stories and op-eds that focused on exactly that, going back at least as far as the early days of the Harper government.
It is relentless American interference(with the enthusiastic support of Canada) in the internal politics of Ukraine that has poisoned its future.
Dieter Neumann
Friday, November 15, 2024
Maybe Israel is committing genocide after all?
The following is an op-ed from the Israeli news platform Haaretz on 12 November. The writer concludes that yes, Israel is unequivocally guilty of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. I find it ironic that this article could never be published in any major Canadian news site because it would be condemned as antisemitic hate speech.
Maybe Israel is committing genocide after all?
People tend to believe that in order to commit genocide, you have to murder an entire nation. Well, no. You don't have to try so hard. You can earn the designation more easily.
Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term "genocide," worked tirelessly to have it recognized as a crime under international law and given special status. Thanks in no small part to his efforts, an international convention was drawn up designed to fight genocide and to punish its perpetrators and their abettors. The treaty also includes a list of what acts a state or people must commit to be considered perpetrators of genocide.
Article 2 of the convention lists five acts that make up the definition of genocide. In order to determine whether or not Israel is committing genocide, it's worthwhile examining all five criteria and see how many of them Israel is committing in the Gaza Strip. Here they are, word for word.
Article 2a: "Killing members of the group." No problem. We easily meet the criteria for this section. Although the convention does not specify a required number of dead, 43,000 is surely enough. You can put a checkmark on this one.
Article 2b: "Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group." Who would ever deny that we have successfully met the requirements of this section as well. We have bombed day and night; hundreds of limbs have been amputated; we ruined the lives of tens of thousands of children and their parents; we have torn them apart with bodily and mental injuries. Definitely put a checkmark.
Article 2c: "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." The hunger and thirst, delays in humanitarian aid, endless torture and deportation from place to place, the systematic destruction of residential areas, houses of prayer, schools, thousands of people buried under the rubble, the employment of demolition contractors to flatten the city of Rafah (partial list). More than enough to meet the requirements section 3. I am proud to check it off.
4: "Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group." The destruction of almost all of Gaza's hospitals including delivery rooms, emergency rooms, neonatal and maternity wards, preventing shipments of medical equipment, killing medical personnel... Is there any doubt that Israel would look favorably upon the crash of the Palestinian birthrate in Gaza? Put a checkmark with honors.
5: "Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group." Finally, something that Israel has not done. A pity. Maybe taking some children out of the hell we created for them would have saved their lives. But it doesn't get a checkmark.
Of the five criteria for genocide, we have performed four exemplarily. That's a fine score. Especially when the execution of one of the five sections, it doesn't matter which one, is enough to be considered a perpetrator. Bravo.
Warning: Feigning innocence will not be admissible as a defense. No one will believe that we did all this in good faith, or purely for reasons of self-defense. Nor will public displays of misery and weeping be of any use this time. And above all, it is not worth relying as we do on the Holocaust as a defense. It may provoke comparisons.
The treaty, by the way, also refers to those who incite genocide and those who conspire to commit it, and states that they will be punished. In other words, all ministers and members of the coalition. As far as I'm concerned, issuing international arrest warrants for everyone is enough. Their forced respite from roaming abroad at the public expense, due to the very possible threat of arrest, would be a more bitter punishment than death. How nice.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Democracy is dead, but the show must go on
Well, the Orange Ogre pulled it off. Against all odds, or at least against the expectations of the punditocracy and their favorite pollsters, he done kicked the crazed cackler to the curb.
This has of course greatly agitated the “Trump is Hitler” crowd, who apparently are all getting their affairs in order so they can migrate to Canada. Democracy is dead, after all… wonder what they’re gonna think about Democracy once they realize they’ll have a choice between PP and Fluffy!
Ya! You thought your democracy sucks!
Today a good friend sent me this video that’s going around on her Facebook feed. That’s none other than future president Donny J singing on stage at the 2005 Emmy Awards! How soon we forget!
What is Facebook doing, normalizing a guy they hated only a week ago?
Democracy may be dead, but the show must go on!
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
What Canada Post could have been
Once again Canada Post is in the headlines. Contract time with CUPW, so we get the predictable sob-fest about how Canada Post loses gazillions of dollars every day and therefore can’t afford to pay its workers a living wage.
Over the decades that we’ve been watching the never-ending death-spiral, I think the government missed a couple of key opportunities to make Canada Post into something far more relevant.
Canada Post has a mandate to provide mail service to every community in the country. That’s a high bar, and an expensive one. The government-appointed CEO has a different mandate; cut costs.
That conflict in mandates led to some hilarious moments. Deepak Chopra was CEO when “Community mailboxes” were being brought in as a cost-cutting measure. Instead of having mail delivered to your door, you could walk to wherever Canada Post planted your community mailbox. That might be half a block away or ten blocks away.
Needless to say, this initiative was way more popular with Deepak’s political bosses than with his customers. Nevertheless, Deepak claimed he was inundated with calls from grateful seniors, delighted to be given a reason to walk a few blocks and get some exercise!
But I digress. What were those opportunities that might have changed the trajectory of Canada Post?
In the first place, in the course of bringing postal service to every community in the land, why could Canada Post not have also provided banking services to all those places too? It’s a well established fact that smaller, out-of-the way communities in rural Canada lack adequate banking.
It’s an equally well established fact that poor neighborhoods lack banking facilities. Of course they do! How is a bank gonna make a buck in a poor neighborhood? Instead, the “banking” has been replaced by predatory cheque-cashing joints.
Pairing mail service with banking services is hardly a new idea, it’s been the norm in many countries for decades.
Secondly, consider the totally inept way legal cannabis was rolled out. In my opinion, the entire exercise was a massive boondoggle designed to throw the biz to Bay Street. Why could they not have made Post Offices the official pot retailers? After all, there’s already a Post Office (and bank) in every community!
Once you’ve got the Post Office, bank, and pot dispensary, you’ve got the makings of a community hub! That would have worked wonders for community cohesion.
Alas, that would have required political will on a scale not seen since we build a trans-continental railroad. Those days are gone.
People who had vision and could get things done have long since given way to management apparatchiks like Deepak Chopra, who are fully convinced that providing shittier service at a lower cost is something to celebrate.
After all, that’s the key to their annual bonus and their next promotion.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Move over Uncle Sam; here comes Dudley Do-Right
Globe and Mail star pontificator Doug Saunders had an alarming op-ed in the paper today.
Given that the ignorant masses in the USA have just elected a fascist president, the Free and Democratic World obviously needs fresh leadership, and it’s time for us Canadians “and our allies” to step up. Yessiree, the future of democracy depends on us!
And our allies… You know; Germany, France, UK…
Looks to me like our allies are all having existential crises. Olaf the liver sausage’s government just collapsed. Macron is barely hanging on, mainly via procedural chicanery, and the UK, of all the Nations of Virtue, is clearly winning the race to failed-state status.
Which leaves us Canadians to shoulder the burden of leadership of the Free and Democratic World.
Doug admits that’s gonna be expensive. But he assures us it’s a worthwhile endeavor. After all, there is nothing more important than ramping up our military capability so we can fight those evil-doers who threaten the Free and Democratic World. Like Russian and China and Iran and North Korea…
Yup, we and our allies have no greater challenge than whupping the bad guys on the battlefield!
So full speed ahead on hundreds of billions in spending on F-35s and warships and rockets and missiles and bombs!
Ya, we’ll have to make some sacrifices, but health care, education, and housing aren’t worth shit if you don’t have Freedom.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Democracy Theater lays an egg
You have to feel for those folks gathered at Howard on the evening of the 5th, imagining they were there for Kamala’s victory party.
They were pumped to celebrate the victory of Democracy over Fascism.
Diversity over white supremacy.
Compassion and empathy over boorish self interest…
Alas, it was not to be. Even though Kamala had more billionaires on her team (over eighty, as opposed to a mere four dozen or so for Trump), Trump had the biggest billionaire of all in his corner.
Isn’t it odd that our deep-state-adjacent media can’t acknowledge that no billionaire is more deep-state-adjacent than Elon Musk?
No! We’re supposed to believe he’s some sort of rogue actor posing a threat to our “democratic norms!”
As if!
And here’s another oddity. If you take a tour of foreign, ie non-Western news platforms, they all talk about this crazy conspiracy theory that there’s a genocide going on in Gaza.
We in the Nations of Virtue, thanks to our free press, are fully aware that what the antisemites call “genocide” is just Israel defending itself. And it’s obviously true, because how else could Kamala, with her 83 billionaire backers, and Trump with his 50 or so, and the Billionaire of Billionaires, Elon himself, all come to the same conclusion?
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
How Trump can stop two wars on Day One
I did a little research and found out Trump's pad there in Florida has 126 rooms. Surely he can spare a few rooms for a couple of world leaders on the lam.
Just about the only obstacle to ending the carnage in the Middle East is the Greatest Leader Since Moses. He needs to keep the war going. Otherwise, emergency powers would end, he'd be forced to call an election, and would have to face the multiple corruption charges that await him. Let's make it easy for him; a suite of rooms at Mar-a-Lago. No trial ever! And the beach is right out the front door, with the added bonus that it's out of range of terrorist drones, unlike his place in Caesarea.
Just about the only obstacle to ending the carnage in Ukraine is Winston Mandela Zellensky. He can't negotiate with Putin because his Azov pals would hang him from the nearest lamp post. Send in the Marines and whisk the poor sod outta there. Another suite of rooms for Zelly and the misses, and, no matter how you look at it, Trump's still got at least 100+ rooms for his clan.
Sure, having those whiners hanging around would get tired fast, but let's face it.
It's a small price to pay for peace.
Bibi wastes no time sucking up to Trump
Netanyahu believes he won the US election, which is highly ironic, because he certainly couldn’t win one in Israel these days!
I hope Donald doesn’t get roped in by the flattery in that arse-kissy congratulatory social media post Bibi put out this morning for all the world to see. Time for Donny J to get in touch with his inner mafia boss; remember when Bibi back-stabbed you by being the first to congratulate Sleepy Joe when he stole 2020 from you? Ya, and now that you’re (quite unexpectedly) back, he’s already smothering your butt-cheeks with kisses.
Don’t fall for it! Tell him, Donald, “YOU’RE FIRED!”
After all, Netanyahu is the most hated man in Israel these days, or at least the most hated Jew. IDF troops are dying every day so Bibi can keep his ass out of jail. Thousands have been injured in the ground invasion of Lebanon which is hardly a month old. The Litani river is farther away than ever.
If it was up to Gallant, there would have been a ceasefire last Christmas and not only that, the hostages would be home. Alas, that would be the end of Netanyahu’s political career, so ixnay on that!
Gallant was against the ground invasion, as were many in the upper echelon of the IDF. Many senior IDF people would rally around a plan to rid their country of Bibi.
You’re the Boss of Bosses now, Donald.
Make it happen!
Friday, November 1, 2024
A Trump victory would endanger your freedom to jerk off! Vote for Kamala!
Right after Kamala was anointed heir to the throne by the Dem party bigs, ie the senior party worthies and their billionaire donors, we saw the “mainstream media” erupt in a geyser of pro-Kamala euphoria.
Kamala was “brat,” whatever that means.
The brat thing lasted about three days, and by then Kamala had the “joy” thing going on.
One thing is as authentic as the next, I suppose…
I’ve been struggling to figure out what differences there might be if the forces of light happen to steal another election from the Trumpian forces of darkness. In terms of foreign policy, can’t say I see any daylight between them.
Ya, I see the Dems still pretending they’re with Zelensky with “whatever it takes for as long as it takes.” Even Zelly is realizing his allies don’t have what it takes in the first place, let alone for as long as it takes. The Dems are happy enough to pin this catastrophic collapse of US prestige on the GOP.
Meanwhile, in the other existential crisis, the donkey and the elephant have both sworn ironclad allegiance to Israel. Whatever it takes for as long as it takes, and this time we’re not joking around. So the only differences that can possibly matter are found in domestic politics.
What are the differences in domestic policies?
Well, one party dares to stand up for the gender confused, while the other party mocks them.
One party advocates for the rights of women with wieners, while the other party mocks them.
One party advocates for reparations for… just about everything, while the other party mocks them.
Then there’s those “White dudes for Harris,” the cringiest election ads of all time. How about that white dude having a wank under the sheets, with no idea Kamala’s film crew were in the room, and even more shockingly, no idea that a Trump government would outlaw masturbation and confine the Onanists to prison camps!
Oh my God!
This is truly the most consequential election ever!
Vote Kamala!
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