Sunday, January 31, 2021

Pushing back against the billionaires

The web is full of ominous warnings about what could transpire in the markets this week. The whole damned rotten enchilada could come crashing down, dontcha know! That's according to various learned emissaries from the likes of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.

Seems the fact a couple of hedgies  just took involuntary and substantial haircuts has got the attention of the billionaire class. If a bunch of jerk-offs with laptops can pool their stimmy cheques and raise hell, OMG, what's the world coming to?

We need some regulation!

This cannot be allowed to stand!

It's no secret that America's hallowed "democracy" works for the rich and not for the masses. The billionaires require protection from rogue traders with Robinhood accounts? You can bet they'll get it, and soon!

Money for nothing is a sacred space reserved for billionaire hedge fund managers; how dare the unwashed masses encroach on their turf.

Meanwhile, if you look around, there's plenty of evidence around the world that a lot of regular folks are fed up with the status quo. There have been massive street protests of late in many "capitalist democracies." Right now they've got activists in the streets of France railing against a new Amazon warehouse.

Brilliant! Hit the unctuous greedbag who runs the joint right where it counts. Stop the expansion of the job-killing behemoth. Every job Amazon "creates" eliminates from two to five bricks and mortar retail jobs.

Amazon comes not to create jobs, but to destroy them.

When politicians like Justin Trudeau praise Amazon for creating good middle class jobs, they are signalling that they're with the billionaires.

We need politicians who will push back against the billionaires, and promote the interests of the people instead.

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