Monday, May 3, 2021

America's terminal delusion

It's ten o'clock at night and I just got in from the front stoop. The frogs in the marsh across the way are singing up a storm. I'm happy to report that frogs and songbirds are doing well in this neck of the woods.

On the other hand, there's a nuclear power plant an hour down the road, and a proposal to locate a nuclear waste dump between here and there, so hedge your bets.

While I live in an idyllic storybook landscape, with stone fence-rows out front, and a nuclear reactor out back, I can't help but think that in a worst case scenario, that nuclear plant could become a serious threat to my quality of life.

That's why I'm perturbed by the tone of Sinophobic, Russophobic, and anti-Iran propaganda that has been unleashed in Western media. You can't open your Globe and Mail without tripping over a war-mongering rant penned by somebody from a think tank with intimate ties to the war-making industry.

Buried in the midst of the cliche-ridden pile of piffle that Sleepy Joe delivered to the United States of Amnesia the other night, was the claim that America's greatest strength is the power of our example, rather than the example of our power.

Sounds good, but let's take a closer look. 

What exactly are we talking about, when we talk about the example of our power?

Americans are relentlessly bombarded with the message that their invincible military bestrides the globe unchallenged.

In reality, that invincible military is pulling the plug on Afghanistan, because after twenty years, they're finally admitting they got beat by a bunch of part-time fighters, generally goat-herders and opium farmers, who only got out their WWII era AK-47s for fighting season.

So now, the masterminds of that mission figure they want to take on Russia, China, and Iran?

At the same time?

Ya, I know it looks crazy, but the truth is there's crazy people in Washington who truly believe they can keep provoking three countries with way more kill capacity than the Afghan resistance and somehow prevail. 

What's even more scary, is that they see their "window of opportunity" only lasting so long.

Be afraid.

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