Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day!

Let me say right off the top what a blessing it is to have reached pensioner status and still have two vibrant parents living in their own home! Not everybody gets to appreciate that.

Today's a day set aside to honour our moms. My mom came from a pretty tough place. Before she hit her teens she'd witnessed more death and destruction than I can possibly imagine. Their village in East Prussia was one of the last to evacuate as the Red Army approached. She spent five years in a refugee camp in Denmark before she was repatriated to a part of Germany as foreign as the moon.

A few years later she had married the dashing apprentice baker who rode his motorcycle half way across Germany to woo her on weekends.

Arriving in the new land with me in her arms and my sister in her belly, she took on every challenge head on, and eventually gave birth to five of them.

As far as I'm concerned, each of the five of us are all still the people we are today thanks to the Mom who brought us up. She was a powerhouse. 

I don't know how you did it, Mom. The kitchen garden you used to keep would be considered a hobby farm today. You are an inspiration every day.

Happy Mother's Day!


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