Sunday, May 8, 2022

Canadian's thrilled to finally get covid vax for infants and toddlers

Well, at least some Canadians. Here's a couple exerpts from a letter to the editor published by the Toronto Star today. "I am very excited that Health Canada can approve the under-six Moderna vaccine before the US Food and Drug Administration." Excited about approving something before the FDA? Seriously? Apparently the writer hasn't heard about the all-too-cozy relationship between the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA is too slow to approve covid vaccine for infants and toddlers? We can get it approved even faster? Canada is number one! "At the US rate... the smallest member of our society will be unprotected for another month or two." Oh, the shame! Here's another perspective. Flu kills more under-20s, including infants and toddlers, than covid has, and that's before a single Canadian child under 6 has had a covid shot. My hunch is for every letter like that they get a hundred from parents who plan to never give their infants and toddlers the safe and effective and totally unnecessary vaccine, but those letters probably come from white supremacists and Trump fans, so they can't publish them. Journalistic standards, after all.

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