Friday, May 6, 2022

Embracing senility

There were a couple of items I intended to write about today. Andrew Bennett had an op-ed in the Globe and Mail. If that name doesn't quite ring a bell, he was Canada's first and last Commissar of Religious Freedom. Plucked from the obscurity of a Christian College with about 12 students, Harper installed him in this made up post, which was cancelled not long after Justin became PM. I had a lot of fun with that at the time. It seemed to fit the modus operandi of Big Steve's Alliance Church crowd, which in my mind is the kissing cousin to the "Christian fascists" Chris Hedges thinks are taking over America. So you can see, I had some serious shit to gnaw on. Then I stepped out on the stoop for a breath of fresh air, and got totally distracted by the buzzards soaring on the air currents overhead. I'd much rather do that than research Christian fascists. So I did. For hours. We've got a bit of dementia showing up here and there in the family tree. The low-hanging fruit on that tree were smitten before they were the age I am now, which gives me hope. Then again, there's ample gluten allergy in that tree too, which I never felt would ever impact me, so you never know. Bennett, who apparently merits an op-ed where I'm lucky to get a letter to the editor published once in awhile, has his shorts in a twist over the recommendations of the National Defence Advisory Panel on Systemic Racism and Discrimination. I know. Now I gotta read up on that when I could be watching turkey vultures soaring on the thermals. That panel was the brain wave of the wokelings in the Trudeau cabinet, and our turban-sporting Minister of Defence was the point dude. Nothing against turban's per se, but in Sajjan's case it just seemed like cover for an almost inconcievable level of ineptitude. I generally have high regard for Sikhs, but this clown was an embarrasment to the tribe. So they strike this four-person panel to investigate systemic racism and discrimination in the Canadian Armed Forces. This next part sounds like the set-up for a joke, but the panel, all CAF vets, consist of a Native dude, a Native lesbian, a career feminist activist, and a Jew. And then they walked into a bar... You can see why I'd rather watch vultures soaring. You can see why I'd rather embrace senility than spend one more precious moment of my time on this earth researching the thoughts and motivations of the kind of people who seem to have taken over the public space.

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