Sunday, December 6, 2020

Fun with firearms

Let me tell you right off the top that I'm a firm believer in gun control. Between the ex-wives and the near misses, (and none of the partings would be considered "cordial" by an honest judge) if it was as easy to buy a gun here as it is in Ohio or Michigan, I'd be a gonner for sure. Heck, I wouldn't have seen middle age!

I happened across the doc on Hunter Thompson the other day, Buy the ticket; take the ride, or something along those lines. Thompson is largely responsible for the demise of both responsible journalism and proper English, in my estimation, but I was a big fan of his writing back in the 70's, as were ten million other pot-addled wankers writing for their college newspapers.

Thompson was allegedly a chap who knew how to have fun with firearms.

So the Farm Manager is watching this old Law and Order episode where the good guys are trying to pin a conviction on a gun dealer for selling a gun to a wacko who used it to kill people, and I'm watching a wacko who only killed himself with his gun, and naturally, we get to talking about guns and gun control.

In these parts it's probably safe to assume that nine out of ten homes along your concession road have guns residing therein. Me and the FM are among the "free riders" in this scenario. When the urban hordes head up this way in the coming "reset," after the grid goes down and all the supermarkets have been looted, it'll be the gun-toting neighbours who turn them back at the county line, not us.

My hunch is they'll be turned back a few county lines before they make it up here, but that's just speculation.

Generally speaking, the guns residing locally are legally owned and registered. Generally speaking, the guns that make headlines are not. After that whack job in Nova Scotia shot down 22 people last summer, PM Fluffy banned 1,500 models of "assault" rifles within a week, long before it came out that all the weapons deployed by the nutter came through illegal channels. 

(And that in itself is a factoid that is seriously fucked up... What? There's 1500 different kinds of assault rifles???????)

How do you stop nutters who use illegal guns by sandbagging legal and law-abiding gun owners?

Meanwhile, that media franchise most invested in gun crime, the Toronto Star, wins a fucking award for a how-to guide on smuggling guns from Ohio and Michigan into Canada.

It's a fucked up world.

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