Thursday, December 17, 2020

The zen of shopping for bath towels

We were sitting in front of the (fake) fire, deeply lost in our screens, when the Farm Manager announced, apropos of nothing, that she was shopping for bath towels on Amazon. (Is a gas fire actually "fake?" It is an actual fire, after all.)

I hate Amazon and I hate everything it stands for. 

Rampant unbridled consumerism. The fact that it's making it's CIA-cozy boss millions per minute just ramps up the hatred.

I already know it's a fucked up world, and I've said so often enough right here on this blog, but when the world's richest man and the CIA figure into a post about buying bath towels, well, you know it's way more fucked up than anybody could have imagined, even a year ago.

So I embark on a scorched earth "anybody but Amazon" campaign. 

As in, "I'm just gonna feel dirty if I dry off with a towel from Amazon." 

That's mostly bullshit. When I'm towelling off, I think about getting dry. I'm not wondering where the towel came from.

But anyway, my rant got the FM considering other potential bath towel provisioners. 

Believe or not, after an hour on the internet, she concluded that our best bet for new bath towels was Canadian Tire.


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