Friday, December 11, 2020

When the best and the brightest aren't up to the job

When it was revealed last week that Canada had offloaded responsibility for vaccine distribution to the Canadian Armed Forces, I was underwhelmed. After all, the Forces long ago morphed from being a "can-do" kind of operation to more of a "we'll do what we can as long as it doesn't a) cost too much, b) hurt anyone's feelings, and c) doesn't endanger the health and/or safety of the fine women, men, and others in uniform."

If that announcement was underwhelming, today's Globe and Mail headline on the vaccine roll-out is downright disturbing; "Ottawa searches for technology to handle vaccine distribution."

Huh? Isn't the roll-out set to start next week? 

If you're wondering why that should be disturbing news, allow me to refresh your memory with a flashback to the Phoenix pay system scandal. That's where Big Steve figured he could save a bit of money by replacing lazy-ass civil servants with technology. The system has been in the works for over a decade, was officially rolled out five years ago, and... still doesn't work!

Big Steve is long gone, of course, but the same Big Tech cartel that couldn't get Phoenix up and running with a five year lead time is now going to provide a nationwide vaccine tracking infrastructure in a matter of weeks?

Good luck with that!

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