Sunday, January 17, 2021

America; where everybody has a gun and nobody has a chance

Rather a macabre scenario playing itself out down there in the exceptional nation, wouldn't you agree?

I mean, what do they do with those 74 millions who just voted for white supremacy? Re-education camps? Sensitivity training? Critical Race Theory tutorials?

How about a three-strikes law. If the Trumpkins still haven't seen the light after all of the above, what then? Three strikes, and then... a final solution?

Anyway, let's not forget all those dickwads have guns, and lots of 'em. Oh, and everybody else has lots of guns too! In fact, nowhere on the planet do people fetishise guns the way Americans do... it all goes back to that Second Amendment Moses brought down from the mountain.

Or something.

The bread lines grow exponentially. But they're not breadlines per se. It's people in late model vehicles lined up at drive-through food banks. They line up for miles. They line up in forty thousand dollar cars they bought with no money down back when that seemed like a good idea. 

They park their Hondas and Fords and Ram trucks in front of tents by the underpass these days. Nothing left but the car payments and the gun. Oh, and the phone.

They're wondering where this will end...

Thank God they have Joe Biden stepping up to the plate in a couple of days!

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