Saturday, January 30, 2021

Delivering good governance at gunpoint

By far the most insulting story in today's Globe and Mail is the "Shared Interest" op-ed by Madeline Albright et al. The et al consists of Canadian busybody at large Lloyd Axworthy, his faithful sidekick, Ottawa academic Fen Osler Hampson, and one-time Foreign Minister in the extreme-right Arena government in El Salvador, Maria Brizuela De Avila.

Ms. Albright is of course the first woman to serve as US Secretary of State, thereby inspiring millions of girls and young women to seek political power themselves. She is most famous for stating that the deaths of half a million Iraqi children under US sanctions was a price worth paying for the democratic utopia we gifted them. She certainly set a high bar for the millions of girls and young women she empowered!

The sub-head claims "Canada and the US must collaborate on resettling Central Americans and sending a strong message to the Maduro regime in Venezuela." Unfortunately, most of the words that follow are recycled "Lima Group" propaganda that Axworthy and Hampson spent the past four years flogging. In other words, now that there's a normal guy in the White House, let's go full speed ahead with America's normal regime-change antics! 

 And what's with the rubbish about America's "forceful defence of democracy and human rights in Haiti, Peru, Guatemala, and Paraguay in the 1990s?" Who knew that training, arming, and financing right-wing death squads counts as defence of democracy and human rights? As for Haiti, we know the claim must be true, as the US invasion of the country in 1992 (who remembers that?) was officially called "Operation Uphold Democracy." Who can argue with that?

There is something profoundly embarrassing about prominent Canadians shilling for American Exceptionalism. 

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