Saturday, March 13, 2021

Canada wants to overthrow socialist Maduro, but sends money to fascist Duque

There's a nifty half-pager on A11 of today's Globe and Mail, all about how kindly Canada is sending $30 millions to kindly Colombia to help the millions of refugees fleeing the regime of the evil dictator next door. Writer Natalie Alcoba manages to avoid any mention of America's all-out campaign to destroy the economy of Venezuela, by far the most significant driver of the situation in that country today.

Canada has been a willing junior partner in that manifestly illegal and immoral mission, imposing our own sanctions three years ago, around the time Chrystia Freeland "took charge" of the Lima Group, a smelly concoction brewed up in Washington, as everyone was well aware. We still officially recognize the hand-picked US stooge Juan Gauido as the legitimate president of Venezuela, which is a truly bold stretch of the very concept of democracy.

Alcoba mentions in passing that over 400 human rights defenders have been murdered in Colombia since 2016. That would be folks like union organizers and human rights workers; you know, the usual troublemakers. They seem to die more often in Colombia than anywhere in the world! Too bad she had to leave out the fact that these murders are carried out by right-wing death squads linked to the government.

Probably a good thing. You wouldn't want the public to ask why we'd be sending money to a country that facilitates death squads, while simultaneously sanctioning a country that had a better record of bringing masses of people out of poverty than any other in Latin American. 

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