Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How many CBC producers does it take to put a 90 minute show on the radio?

This reminds me of that Newfie joke about changing a light-bulb.

I caught a bit of "Sunday Magazine" the other day, CBC's flaccid replacement for Michael Enright, the selfish bastard who put his own interests ahead of his audience. We miss you, Mr. Enright!

Anyway, David Common was the guest host, and at the end of the show, he rhymed off the producers responsible. I counted five names, plus a senior producer and an executive producer. That's a total of seven producers! Throw in their support staff, not to mention the actual journos, and holy shit, there's gotta be a cast of hundreds with their fingers in this 90 minutes of, frankly, banality.

Sort of reminds me of the head-count inflation that went on back when they volunteered me to be the official time-keeper for the school football team's home games. That meant I had to rustle up a few kids to hold the signal poles and stuff. Once the kids figured out I had the power to excuse them from class, I got real popular real fast.

Didn't take long before the pole-holders had back-ups. Then, a totally new innovation; umbrella girls, in case it rained! Yup, just in case, we soon had a team of umbrella girls excused from class for the home games. I personally needed three, because I'm a fairly large guy. The pole kids would of course need umbrella girls, as would the back up pole kids. And then of course we had a back-up team of umbrella girls, just in case.

Overall, while I enjoyed the brief burst of popularity my new position brought, I have to say I was a little disappointed. The only game when it actually rained, most of them just buggered off!

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