Saturday, May 8, 2021

The CBC's never-ending pursuit of irrelevance

As a long-tine CBC Radio listener, and I'm talking fifty years plus, I'm embarrassed every time they embark on another campaign to make themselves more "cool," or possibly hip, relevant, engaged, dialled in... whatever you want to call yourself when you want to be with the cool kids in the high school cafeteria.

That's the level of management philosophy on view at CBC these days. The high school cafeteria mentality has taken over the news room. These are folks who see their shilling for establishment propaganda as revolutionary, as long as they can squeeze in a few hours on how awful life is for the two percent of Manitobans who identify as Black.

Further on down the road of toadying to the latest whims of the PC virus, these same mostly white (am I right?) geniuses come up with the idea of hosting an evening hour of "Black" music. Because the CBC is looking to lure in the Black teens from Jane-Finch?

Sorry CBC... that ain't gonna happen. 

You've been busy alienating your traditional base while abjectly failing to make yourselves relevant to any potential new audiences. Instead, you've become a conduit for rank partisan propaganda, with the incessant anti-China/Russia/Iran propaganda peddled by our finest US-funded think tanks.

And far be it from the professional journalism practitioners at CBC to ever grant two minutes of air time to any expert with an opinion contrary to the official narrative on the great pandemic.

The CBC today is pretty much what TASS was in Soviet Russia; the state-sponsored propaganda organ. Dressing it up with an hour of Indigenous music here and Black music there ain't gonna cover the stench of our slavish devotion to American Exceptionalism.

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