Thursday, May 27, 2021

The fascist affiliations of our latest "media freedom" martyr

A few years ago, when Chrystia Freeland ascended to her role as Foreign Minister, a story began to circulate about the Nazi affiliations of her grandfather.


"Russian disinformation," our media parroted.

That might have been the end of it, but somehow a gang of Putinists infiltrated the ranks of the Ottawa Citizen, and suddenly we saw this headline; Chrystia Freeland's granddad was indeed a Nazi Collaborator- so much for Russian Disinformation.

Being exposed as a liar didn't hurt Chrystia's career. She is now Deputy PM, AND Finance Minister! Draw your own conclusions about what that says about the talent pool in Ottawa.

Chrystia's former department has issued two denunciations over three days re the Roman Protasevich saga, the second being a joint press release in concert with our allies. It's pretty much what you'd expect; a declaration of our virtue in standing up for media freedom in the face of authoritarian nogoodniks like Putin and Lukashenko. Bear in mind that "our allies" are the same pack of poodles who actively connive in the silencing of Julian Assange, because media freedom, don't you know!

Well, there's a lot of media in the world, and a few of them have even done some research on the background of the "journalist" at the centre of story. Seems there's a lot more to know about the guy than what the CBC or the Globe and Mail want you to know!

Such as the fact that our media freedom martyr has serious Nazi cred, and has been on the US payroll for years! On the ground in Maidan Square for the Nuland-Pyatt "Revolution of Dignity" in 2014. On the front lines in Donesk in 2015-16. On a week-long visit to Washington, where he was feted by the State Department in 2018...

Yup, that's the kind of journalist we're willing to support!

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