Saturday, May 8, 2021

Tech totalitarianism - are we there yet?

There's all sorts of countries "opening up" now. What's also opening up is the opportunity for Big Tech to get on top of the imminent roll-out of the universal vaccine passport. That's where the vaxxed will be afforded special privileges not available to the non-believers. Like international travel, for example, or tickets for the next Rolling Stones tour. 

The logistics of such an international tracking scheme will of course be in the hands of Big Tech, because, who else?

Society has lagged in appreciating the consequences of the massive concentration of wealth that has occurred over the past few decades. We've ceded to billionaires powers that were once the preserve of kings, despots, dictators, or from time to time, democratic governments. Jack Dorsey, accountable only to himself (oh sorry, I forgot the board of directors and the shareholders... like they matter!?), has the power to silence the president of the United States.

Billionaires like Mike Bloomberg think nothing of dropping a few hundred millions on an election campaign just to help out their favourite horse, for owning politicians has replaced owning thoroughbreds among the billionaire sporting set. 

The Koch boys have been using their largess to corrupt the judicial system for over fifty years now. 

George Soros funds innumerable astro-turf operations around the world, which oddly enough, share virtually the exact same agenda as the US state department.

Jeff Bezos, top 'o the billionaire pile for five years running, owns the most influential newspaper in the USA (only because NYT staff are now obsessed with auditioning for Jerry Springer).

I could go on, but the long and the short of it is, the billionaires now own our politics, our media, our economy, and our future.

The billionaires who own the global information infrastructure have the power to make Little Bana into a global brand overnight. They have the power to bestow a Nobel Prize on Malala. They can elevate a disturbed teen from Sweden into a global climate authority. They can turn a petty criminal and drug addict into a global icon for racial justice. 

In short, they have the power to manipulate us into hating who they want us to hate, and cheering for whomever they tell us are the "good guys."

Imagine a future in which wealth becomes ever more concentrated. That's the trajectory we're on. The tech wizards pushing for 5G aren't doing it so a doctor in Singapore can do brain surgery on a child in Nunavut; they're doing it to entrench their wealth and power.

Are we there yet? 

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