Monday, June 28, 2021

Canada joins US ballistic missile program

That's according to Michael Byers, writing in The Globe and Mail today.

If that's news to you, it's because our illustrious PM, he of the "feminist foreign policy," has brought Canada on board "on the sly," as Byers puts it. No public debate required, because we can't afford to waste precious time when freedom and democracy hang in the balance!

Make no mistake; freedom and democracy don't come cheap. Installing the AEGIS Combat System is projected to add over 500 million to the cost of each of our new warships. Given what we know about projections from military contractors, that should at least double by the time we actually fire a missile for peace.

Speaking of which, the current price for a single SM-3 missile clocks in at 15 million Canadian dollars. That's a lot of cake for a country that can't afford to provide decent healthcare, housing, and education for our Indigenous population.

Trudeau's embrace of the US government's weaponization of space upends almost forty years of Canadian resistance to American pressure to sign up, going all the way back to Ronald Reagan's Star Wars fantasies. Not even tough-talkin' commie-hatin' Big Steve Harper went there!

It's all for the good, though. We gotta "stand with our allies" against the Ruskies and the Yellow Peril, as the war-mongers never tire of telling us, and that means hundreds of billions flushed down the toilet in the name of "interoperability." If we want to be in Uncle Sam's posse, it is essential we buy his guns and bullets. 

Speaking of interoperability, we're also signing on for Cooperative Engagement Capability, "a remote firing system that allows a commander on one ship to launch missiles from another, without the latter being in the decision loop." In other words, if an officer from one of our Baltic allies sees a Russian threat, and they are really good at spotting Russian threats in Latvia and Lithuania, he could launch a Canadian missile (Raytheon) from a Canadian ship (Lockheed Martin, BAE). 

Ponder that for a moment. Talk about giving away our sovereignty on a silver platter!

I agree with Byers that our Prime Minister needs to explain these decisions that have been made without public input and could have grave repercussions going forward. 

Surely we have more important priorities than currying favour with Uncle Sam.

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