Thursday, June 3, 2021

No Wagen for you, Dummkopf!

According to Herr Schwab and his besties in the Billionaires Club, things have got so out of hand in this crazy world that we need a "great reset."

Said reset will save the whales, the rain forests, the elephants, the climate, the planet, and, last but certainly not least, their ample arses, all at the same time. As you can imagine, that's a tall order!

But don't worry; the billionaires didn't become that without being way smarter than you or I, plus they've got all the top celebrity scientists and Hollywood wannabees in their corner. They've figured out that one of the key pillars of the great reset has to be the elimination of the internal combustion engine - that thing that moves your vehicle from point A to point B.

Because that, more than anything else is what's killing the whales and elephants etc. 

The more visionary of the visionaries propose to eliminate the offending hardware nine years hence, by 2030. By then, we'll all be driving electric cars!


I did a little internet research, and there are allegedly 1.4 billion cars (which stat includes trucks and buses) on the road world wide. Approximately 7 million of them are EVs. Works out to .005 % of vehicles on the road, according to my math (and please feel free to correct me).

Here's the problem. In order to meet the expectations of the Schwabbies, (and make no mistake; they're calling the shots) we gonna have to ramp EV production way way high.

And that's the problem. An EV requires lots of what's called rare earth minerals, which are indeed rare, and also require much energy to mine and process. Long story short, it is inconceivable that the global fleet of petroleum based vehicles can ever be replaced by EVs.

No problem! The Klauslings have an answer for that. We just don't need 1.4 billion vehicles on the roads of this precious planet, regardless of propulsion system, period! Cars are a luxury and a privilege, not a basic human right, and therefore they need to be reserved for those privileged enough to deserve luxury. You know, like the smartest people in the world and their immediate hangers on. That shouldn't require more than 1.4 million, not that ridiculous 1.4 billion that's out there now.

No Auto for you, Dummkopf.

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