Thursday, June 24, 2021

The talent pool in Ottawa doesn't have a deep end

That is such a banal observation I can't help but think it must have been made many times before. 

Look at the gal who is Deputy Prime Minister, and Finance Minister on the side. She is often referred to as "Justin's brain," at least by me.

What do we know about her? 

She loves Ukraine. Ukrainian nationalism runs through her veins. 

When she was top banana at Reuters News she got to talk to a lot of billionaires. She even wrote a book about all the billionaires she got to talk to. It was a best-seller.

She's the one responsible for negotiating our new NAFTA. One of The Globe and Mail's top pundits opined that Canada was embarrassingly out-played in those negotiations.

But she's the best qualified candidate to be both Deputy PM and Finance Minister. At the same time!

See what I mean!

Then there's Loose-Lips Lametti, our nation's top legal mind, which one would think would be the qualification for Attorney General and Minister of Justice.

This is the guy who thought mandatory minimums for gun crimes were discriminating against the BIPOC community. If some stressed out single mom fired off a couple rounds at the corner store out of sheer frustration with her sad life, and nobody got hurt, well, why should she be subject to the mandatory min intended for hardened criminals? He actually said that. Look it up.

He's our Minister of Justice? 

Now, on the face of it, you might conclude that just proves he's a man of compassion. But just today he was talking about the murder of that Muslim family in London. Yup, the Justice Minister just told you it was murder, so why bother with a trial?

I'm guessing the defence team will be sharp enough to seize on that. Good job, Loose Lips!

Not only is David Lametti the Justice Minister and the Attorney General, he's a moron to boot! 

Idiocracy isn't so funny anymore.

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