Saturday, June 26, 2021

Ironies of the unipolar world (no. 271)

One of the obligations that falls to the leader of the free world is to maintain stability. What that tends to mean in real life is maintaining the status quo, at least when and where the US bloc has the upper hand.

Stability. What a concept!

Instability, defined as the absence of stability, was once considered a characteristic of the "shit-hole" countries. 

But look around you.

Nobody who looks at the USA today can possibly come away thinking this is a stable country. Yet it's the country that has hundreds of billions to invest in surrounding China and Russia with military bases. To ensure stability, of course. 

Hopefully not the same level of stability that obtains in the iconic urban centres of America; Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, San Francisco and all the rest of them. The people responsible for that ongoing nightmare are the people who want to impose their model of society on the rest of the world.

In the name of shoring up stability.

Meanwhile, China invests in building ports and railways in countries happy to have the help. They're the bad guys.

It's not just America that's crumbling from the inside. How's the stability thing been working out in France or Germany lately?

And check out how stable UK is now that they've Brexited. Boris has fully embraced Uncle Sam, to the point where he happily risks WW III by recklessly flouting international law with idiotic provocations in the Black Sea. 

All for the sake of stability!

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