Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Satan's leaf rake strikes again

Further to my brilliant expose of the leaf-blower from ten years ago., I see where this tool of the Devil just took a few more otherwise innocent victims in Florida.

I use the word "innocent" with reservations. After all, nobody who owns a leaf-blower is "innocent." They've all got blood on their hands, at least metaphorically speaking.

Or not so metaphorically, in the case of Kyong Moulton. Kyong has been pushed right over the brink by this infernal technology. Her big mistake, obviously, was to buy the cursed thing in the first place, no doubt provoked by that "keeping-up-with-the-Jones's" ethos that permeates consumer culture.

In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. Once she has the leaf-blower, she is soon engaged in a leaf-blower feud with the neighbors. They blow the leaves onto her lawn. She blows them right back! The escalation came to a head on the weekend, when Myong snapped, attacking her neighbours with, of all things, a steak knife!

So now she's in jail, and the neighbours are in hospital. I don't blame any of them...

Somewhere in Hell, Dom Quinto and Gustav Doragrip are clinking glasses and laughing their asses off.

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