Monday, February 21, 2022

Justin saves democracy!

I'll leave it to posterity to determine if PM Fluffy jumped the shark with that Emergencies Act nonsense. Strikes me as a pretty big cannon to unleash just so you can charge the terrorist masterminds behind three weeks of Ottawa gridlock with... "counselling to commit mischief?"


Found a succinct essay at Dissident Voice that enumerates at least half a dozen times when the Emergencies Act, or its precursor, The War Measures Act, were NOT invoked when the country faced much greater peril, from the Winnipeg General Strike to the Mercier Bridge closure in 1990.

Then again, none of the PMs in those earlier emergencies were nick-named Fluffy. Apparently this pasty-faced clown (at least when he hasn't given himself that facial with the black shoe-polish he so loves) has something to prove.

Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Justin made the air horns stop their infernal terroristic tooting.

I'm not Fluffy, dammit, I'm tough as nails!

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