Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Sunset is heading for the barn

I've been retired a couple years now.

Believe me when I say I've had a lot of time to sit on the stoop and watch the world go by.

Back in my pre-retirement era, I used to see the cows coming up to the barn at sunset.

Now, I notice the sunset itself heading for the barn!

At the summer solstice, the sun sets well to the right of the barn, at least when viewed from my perch on the stoop.

At the winter solstice, it's way over to the left of the barn.

The sunsets are inching closer to the barn every night.

It's been $3,000 in propane got us to this point. 

If they don't stop Putin, it'll be double or triple to get to this point next year.

Yet, life will go on, at least for those of us fortunate enough to live in life-will-go-on zones, as opposed to actual war zones.

But, as the sunsets move a couple degrees closer to the barn every night, and as the war hysteria ramps up on my screens every night, I think I'll just grab my vape and a 6-pak, and head to the barn myself.

No TV and no internet out there.

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