Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Finally! A glimmer of hope for Ukraine!

Some Ukrainian observers have grudgingly concluded over the past two plus years that America is incapable of delivering on the “whatever it takes for as long as it takes” mantra that’s been repeated ad nauseum since February of 2022. On the face of it, they seem to have a point. After all, when it comes to matters such as artillery shells, HIMARs, Patriot air defense systems, tanks, howitzers, and F-16s, the Americans have obviously failed to deliver whatever it takes. But there’s one thing more important than all of the above. Hope! Without hope, all the Patriots and F-16s in the world won’t make a difference, and yesterday US Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered the greatest morale boost the lucky Ukrainians could ever have hoped for. Taking to the stage in front of several dozen spectators in an obscure Kyiv nightclub, Blinken unleashed an electrifying cover of Neil Young's "Keep on rockin' in the free world." The world is fortunate that Mr. Blinken’s diplomacy is every bit as impressive as his musicianship. A true renaissance man if ever there was one! And such a poignant reminder that Ukraine is fighting not only for itself, but for the entirety of the free world! So there you go, people of Ukraine. America has delivered hope in your darkest hour. The rest is up to you.

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